Eagles Pigeon Control

Control Strategies on Balconies,Decks,Porches and Patios
We feel that keeping pigeons away from urban environments is the first order of business and our strategies have been designed and tested to achieve this challenge. We are happy to advise property owners what controls we think would be most effective and which ones they should adopt to get rid of their pigeon nuisance problems.
Pigeon Nuisance Problems and Why You Should be Worried
Two of the biggest happenings that are the root of very serious problems are:
- The amount of feces (droppings) that pigeons produce
- The buildup of pigeon feces on buildings and other structures that are visually unappealing and become acidic that will erode metals and other materials such as stonework, concrete, etc.
Serious Consequences That can be attributed to Pigeon Droppings
1-Health Issues: Respiratory diseases such as Cryptococcosis, Histoplasmosis and Psittacosis can result from pigeon feces. Breathing in dust created by cleaning droppings can cause infections as well as food poisoning.
2-Safety Concerns: Pigeon feces are messy causing the risk of foot slippage on paved areas such as parking lots and paths
3-Damage to Structures: Pigeon droppings are very acidic and in a short period of time can cause extensive damage to properties, buildings and other structures. It has been documented that the eroding affect of pigeon droppings might have contributed in some way to the collapse of the Minnesota Interstate Bridge.
4-Drainage Problems: Pigeons nesting in gutters and downspouts cause blockage and water backup and other drainage issues that can be expensive to repair.
5-Noise: Some who are experiencing Pigeon intrusion on their property find that constant cooing can become very annoying and troublesome.
So what can be done to control and eliminate the serious problems caused by Pigeon droppings?
Our Eagle Based System is a viable Pigeon Control Strategy
Control Strategies
- The bald eagle tops the list of natural predators of Pigeons. The controlled use of “Chase”, our screeching eagle, is a primary aggressive scaring tactic that can be used on balconies, decks, porches and other properties. Chase can be hand-held or easily suspended from the cantilevered arm on the eagle derrick, from available clotheslines or from any adjacent tree branches.
- Screeching is unobtrusive and controlled using Bluetooth Technology from 35 to 40 feet away using a cell phone to transmit eagle cries to the weather-proof speaker attached to Chase. The speaker should be activated as much as possible when pigeons are nearby but especially if they are looking for areas to nest.
- Multi-use structural base for table top setups. By-laws and building codes stipulate that the top of a bacony or porch railing be a minimum of 42 inches above floor level. Our table top arrangement permits Chase to be installed above the railing so that he becomes a visual detterent to any approaching pigeons. This set up eliminates the need for railing pigeon spikes or netting.
- The derrick which fits firmly into the multi-use base, has been designed so that it can be used on balconies where no suspension hooks are allowed, and can easily be moved to various urban areas on a daily basis. Pigeons are very smart and will quickly get used to any stationary installations.
- The addition of a motion activated, sensor should be considered as a first line of pigeon defense, especially when no one is available to activate the Bluetooth speaker with eagle screeching cries.Please refer to test video below.
The following videos and images show the vatious ways that scaring strategies can be used on balconies, decks, porches and patios.

Structural Base with 4 inch deep slot to hold various components of the scaring system which are firmly held in place by the circular clamp.

Diagrammic image of modified structural base that can be used on sloping terrain.

Diagrammic image of Typical table top set up for balconies .Chase is higher than the railing on the balcony and is a major visual detterent to pigeons looking for a roosting and nesting area.
The beautiful view from the condo balcony shown on the left has not been impacted by pigeon spikes on the railing nor does it need any type of netting to keep unwanted pigeons at bay.

The belly of my eagle, Chase,showimg the attached mimiature Bluetooth speaker, that can receive eagle screeching and other sounds from the User's cellphone. The fierce looking talons are very noticeable as well as the circular opening for attaching to the table top base.
Eagle derrick attached to multi-use base. It has a cantilevered arm for suspending Chase by rubber bands and a horizontal arm to hold a ballast bag for operational stability.
Typical, derrick set up complete with
ballast bag, that can be used on decks,
patios, porches and balconies where no
other means of suspending Chase is available.Video Gallery

Chase suspended via rubber band from ceiling, above railing on front porch scaring pigeons and doves wanting to nest in porch flower boxes. Video Gallery
Chase, with bluetooth speaker scaring geese and pigeons away from deck. Great Cttage Decor!
Chase, suspended by a rubber band from a deck clothesline. His life-like movements are caused by the wind and by kinetic energy from the rubber band.V